The Hard Part of Web Content Strategy is Not What You Think (Part 5)

Photo credit: 4 Syllables

Once upon a time, Sara worked as a web content strategist in a medium-sized organization. She sat in the web department, but she had convinced everyone across the organization that content should be prioritized. Everyone agreed for the most part to follow her recommendations on where content should go and when it should go live. She had two people working with her to help with this, as well as support from the rest of the web team. (See blog footnote for a definition of web content strategy). 

For many of us working in this field, this sounds like a fairytale. It is. For those who don’t spend their lives thinking about online communications, it probably sounds like it shouldn’t be that difficult.

Can you imagine an accountant having to convince people in other departments that certain numbers in his spreadsheets matter? Would an engineer have to negotiate with her entire company how a part for a crane would be designed? Would you feel comfortable telling a surgeon where and how to make an incision? Somehow, though, everyone thinks they know what should go up on their organization’s homepage.

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The Most Important Questions About Your Website Strategy (Part 4)

At first glance these questions might seem simple.

1. First, ask, who needs to be part of this?
2. What are your goals? How do they align with the organization?

But once you think about them in terms of your organization, you’ll realize how complicated they are. Those of you who work in large organizations know exactly what I’m talking about. If you need a ton of buy-in from staff members across different departments, these questions can be one of the hardest parts of the process.

If you’re in a smaller organization, they can be a little less intimidating. While these questions might take you less time, you will need that time to focus on other pieces of the project. Hopefully, you have more than one person working on your website, but I know some small organizations are stretched thin.

These are also not questions that you can ask and answer in the beginning and then forget about. These questions definitely have a life to them; they have to be actively maintained.

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Websites: Where Do You Start? (Part 3)

I’ve updated the draft list below as part of the promised infographic (seriously, it took a great deal longer to create than it looks!).

The first step is always to ask:

  • Who needs to be part of this?
  • What are your goals? How do they align with your organization?

After that, step into the circle and start where it makes sense. You might already have certain pieces complete.

For instance, if you’ve already interviewed stakeholders, you can start your content audit, and research your competition. Or, if you’re not doing a complete redesign, you may be skipping this step for now also. Just skip to the step that makes the most sense.

The tasks that are part of each step can sometimes be done simultaneously, or one after the other.

The infographic is in a circle to show that websites are continuously updated. Just because you finish a redesign does not mean the work is complete!

I’d love to get some feedback on this as I move forward in the series, either below or via email.
