This is the fourth part of a series of posts about developing your social media strategy. Here, we will discuss finding your audience online.

Can you find your audience, or are they hiding? (Photo credit: Dan Zen)
WHERE is Your Audience Hanging Out?
Are they on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or somewhere else? How many platforms you can actively participate in depends on your budget. By actively participating, I mean pushing out useful content, soliciting feedback, and engaging in a dialogue.
However, you can still maintain a presence on other platforms, even if you are only able to update it once every two weeks. Of course, if you can, it would be best to monitor it every day just for any questions that need an immediate response, but that should not take too much time.
It’s important to have that presence to reserve the url for your business or nonprofit, but you also want to let people know that you’re out there. It can take a long time to build up a following, so if you decide you’re not going to be that active on Google+ yet, you can set up an account for that time when things may change. Then you will have the customized url you need, plus some followers.